July 2013 , Volume:1 , Issue : 4

Sr. No Title PDF Abstract
1 Morphometry of first pedicle of sacrum and its clinical relevance , Sinha Manisha B , Rathore Mrithunjay , Trivedi Soumitra , Siddiqui A U (234-240)
2 The cadaveric study of extensor carpi radialis longus muscle on the developmental basis , Sawant SP ( 241-245)
3 Effect of portable music players on auditory reaction time in young adults , Mishra P., Rathi N., Bhimani N.T.(246-249)
4 Estimation of the length of the tibia from dimensions of the distal articular surfaces of the tibia in adult Kenyans , Mandela Pamela, Misiani Musa, Ogeng’o Julius , Obimbo Moses , Gikenye Gichambira (250-257)
5 Comorbidity of a case with traits of schizotypal personality with animal hoarding , Sara Hosseinpoor1, Reza Bidaki2*, Seyyed Razi Ghalebi3, Saeed Jalili4, Seyyed Mohammad Mahdi Mirhosseini1, Fateme Akrami Mohajeri5, Ahmad Pourrashidi Boshrabadi ( 258-261)
6 Chronic supragastric belching as a tic; dramatic response to Trifluoprazine , Omid Rezahosseini, Reza Bidaki, Kianoosh AfsharManesh (262-263)
7 “Nutritional Status of Children in age group of 0-6 years attending Anganwadi Centres in Rajasthan” , Mona Narain, Akash Rajender , B.N. Sharma, R.C. Chaudhary, Gaurav R, Reshu Gupta, (264-268)
8 Utilization of Antenatal Care among Pregnant Females registered at Sub Centre level in a Rural area of Jammu in India. Sahni B , Sobti S. (269-278)
9 The study of supraorbital notches and foramina in adult skulls , Chavan W. M* , Shende M.R.**( 279-283)
10 Cataract among adults aged 40 years and above in a rural area of Jammu district in India: Prevalence and Risk-factors , Sobti S & Sahni B.( 284-296)
11 Pterygium : an epidemological study in India , Sanjeev Rohatgi (297-301)
12 Anaesthesia for tracheal surgeries , Dr. Jyotsna S. Paranjpe, Dr. Manohar V Mane, Dr. Mohan R. Patil , Dr. Rajesh B Navale (302-314)
13 Assessment of knowledge and practice of contraception among antenatal mothers attending …… , AparnaChakraborty, Joydip Paul, ParthajitMondal, Monimala Saha, Shelley Seth, ParthaSarathiMitra, Sharmistha Banerjee,SunandaGhosh (315-320)
14 Fractured Penis : A case report , Kachewar SG (321-324)
15 Case Report of a compound composite odontome with an impacted maxillary canine . Dr. Deepa Das , Dr. Gopal Sharma, Dr. Jaya Mukherjee , Dr. Bhagyashri Purandare (325-330)
16 Management of oral sub-mucous fibrosis in an edentulous patient . Dr. Abbasali B. , Dr.Jeevan CA, Dr. Mayur Khairnar. (331-334)
17 A case report of florid cemento osseous dysplasia . Jaya Mukherjee , Bhagyashri Purandare , Chandan Dolare , Mahesh Pokle (335-339)
18 Pediatric Hypertriglyceridemia: Case Report from I...
19 Atalantoaxial dislocation after hyperextension of neck: Rare case report , Dr. D B Katikar, Dr. R D Jaykar, Dr. R R Ghule , Dr. P H Kamble
20 Pediatric Hypertriglyceridemia: Case Report from India , Tayade MC , C.Ashok kumar , Latti R.G. , Itgampalli N.S. ( 340-343)
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